From 12 to 17 of April, VitrA will show all its novelties at the ‘Salone del Mobile’ in Milan. This brand is the only in global markets that offers every component of the bathroom as well as an expansive range of ceramic and porcelain wall and floor tiles.

With more than 60 years of history, VitrA will exhibit eight projects at the foro Buonaparte 60 under the headline ‘Bath time good time’. All of them created by the design team of the brand and other international designers such as Sezgin Aksu, Jozeph Forakis or Diego Grandi.




The projects are the following:

Time and Relax: designed by Sezgin Aksu, he has tried to create a landscape that encourages peace and total relaxation.

Time and Beauty: in this case VitrA focuses on the beauty of the users, how our perception of beauty changes and is shaped over time, and how it defines our “time”.

Time and Meditation: this project has been designed by Jozeph Forakis, creating a space for meditation, reflection, reconnection and rebirth.

Time and Balance: Diego Grandi is the creator of this project that convey the idea of showering in a forest.

Time and Motion: in this, Setsu & Shinobu Ito try to convert the toilet in center of the space with a 180° rotatable screen that creates the emotional experience of traveling to a place of “Good Time”.

Time and Moment: Sertan Özbudun has tried to design a bathtub in which users can recover memories of loved ones.

Time and Intimacy: Terry Pecora creates Menagerie, a group of sinks combined together to create a unique, shared space inspired by the communal bathing rituals in Turkish culture.

Time and Care: Mario Trimarchi investigates the activities performed inside the bathroom, in order to change our perception of time we normally spend in this environment.


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