Samo Group has been chosen by SDA Bocconi School of Management and SAP Italia to take part in a research project aimed at defining the value of information systems as they relate to corporate complexity. The Samo corporate case study is featured in the publication of “Complessità aziendale e valore dei sistemi informativi” [Corporate complexity and the value of information systems], which contains the findings of the research and was presented on Wednesday 29 January at the Bocconi School of Management (Milan), where the Group was on hand to offer its own reflections.
The main aim of the research, conducted throughout 2013 by the authoritative School of Management in collaboration with SAP Italia, was to analyse innovative approaches able to steer decisions regarding investments in information systems, as compared to the traditional return-on-investment approach so common among managers and entrepreneurs. It was with this in mind that Samo had been contacted on 23 May by SDA Bocconi to offer their particular experience.